Fast and Effective Fat Burning Rowing Workouts

Table of Contents

Indoor Rowing machines are a popular choice for cardio, strength training, and weight loss. Studies suggest that an exercise on the rowing machine targets nearly 85-90% of all muscles in the body, all while giving a fantastic cardio workout. As a busy dad, it’s my go-to for a fast and effective fat burning workout. If you’re crunched for time, try one of these quick rowing workouts to melt off belly fat.

Types of Rowing Workouts

If you’re looking for a fat burning rowing workout, there are different types of approaches you can take. When it comes to the most effective workouts for weight loss, all of them can be categorized into the following buckets:

  • Continuous Rowing
  • Strength Rowing
  • HIIT Rowing

Each of them have their own benefits. Depending on your goals, we recommend some type of mixture of all three. Let’s take a peak at what each of them are, and why you’d want to incorporate them for weight loss.

Looking for an affordable indoor rowing machinr? Try one of these.


Rowing machines can also be used for strength training by increasing the resistance level and performing fewer, slower reps. This type of workout targets the muscles in the legs, core, and arms, and can help to build muscle mass and improve overall strength. Strength rowing workouts are also great at improving muscle strength in the lower body, upper body, and core muscles.

Steady State Rowing (easy rowing)

Also known as continuous rowing, this type of workout is performed at a steady, moderate pace for a set period of time, usually 20-30 minutes. In general, you want to keep your heart rate at a moderate range, never really pushing it too hard. The goal is moderate and steady. It’s primary objective is to improve fitness and endurance, while building your rowing “base.” If your focused on becoming a better rower, most of your workouts should stay in the “steady” camp.

If you’re crunched for time, rowing can popular types of rowing workouts are steady-state rowing and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) rowing. In this article, we will compare the effectiveness of these two types of rowing for burning fat and provide five sample HIIT rowing workouts.

Steady-state rowing, also known as continuous rowing, is performed at a steady, moderate pace for a set period of time, usually 20-30 minutes. This type of workout is effective for improving cardiovascular fitness and endurance, and can also help to boost metabolism and burn fat. A study published in the Journal of Sports Sciences found that steady-state rowing at a moderate intensity can burn up to 400 calories in 30 minutes, making it an effective way to lose weight and improve overall fitness.


A HIIT workout focuses on shorter, intense intervals of work. HIIT rowing involves alternating periods of high intensity efforts with periods of rest or low-intensity recovery. This type of workout can be highly effective for burning fat, as the body continues to burn calories long after the workout is over. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that HIIT workouts and HIIT rowing burns 25-30% more calories than steady-state rowing, making it a more effective way to lose weight, burn body fat, and improve overall fitness.

So, if you’re looking to optimize your time and focus on burning calories, HIIT might be the way to go.

Perceived Rate of Exertion and Fat Burning

Perceived Rate of Exertion or PRE, is a ratio that is used to measure your own effort. It’s subjective in nature. For example, walking uphill may be a 3/10 for you, but a 7/10 for your mother-in-law. In each of these workouts, I will specify what your PRE should be for each workout.

RPE Chart

Fat Burning Rowing Workouts

Now, let’s break down different types of rowing workouts for fat loss.

Distance Based Fat Burning Rowing Workout

This type of workout focuses on covering a distance in the least amount of time.

500 Meter Repeats

Row 500 meters as fast as you are able. Your perceived rate of exertion should be around 6/10. Complete 5 reps. Rest In-between each set. Your rest should be as long as your working set.

For example

  • Row 500m (2 Minutes)
  • Rest 2 Minutes
  • Row 500m (1:45)
  • Rest 1:45 Minutes
  • Row 500m (1:50)
  • Rest 1:50
  • Row 500m (2:05)
  • Rest (2:05)
  • Row 500m (1:40)
  • Rest 1:40

You can also play with variable distances. Here is another fat burning rowing workout.

Ladder Variable

A ladder variable scales repetitions, time, or distance up and then down. Here is a sample ladder variable workout

  • Row 250m
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Row 500m
  • Rest 1 Minute
  • Row 500m
  • Rest 1 Minute
  • Row 1000m
  • Rest 3 minutes
  • Row 250m

Speed Based Fat Burning Rowing Workouts

This type of workout focuses on speed or wattage. The idea is short bursts of High-Intensity, trying to hit a specific wattage or meters per hour for a short duration. Your perceived rate of exertion should be 8/10 or 9/10

Here is what a HIIT workout looks like.

HIIT Rowing Workout

  • Warm up with 2 minutes of steady rowing
  • Row 20 Seconds at a high intensity
  • Rest 40 Seconds (Repeat 8x)

Ladder Interval (Pyramid Workout)

Warm up with 2 minutes of steady rowing

  • Row 1 Minute
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Row 2 Minutes
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Row 3 Minutes
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Row 4 Minutes
  • Rest 1 Minute
  • Row 5 Minutes
  • Rest 2 Minutes
  • Row 4 Minutes
  • Rest 1 Minute
  • Row 3 Minutes
  • Rest 1 Minute
  • Row 2 Minute
  • Rest 30 Seconds
  • Row 1 Minute
  • Rest 30 Seconds


Calorie Based Fat Burning Row Workouts

Some rowers display estimated calories. This is calculated from intensity/wattage and time. CrossFit workouts commonly include this type of cardio exercise. Here is an example:

  • 20 Calorie Row
  • Rest 1 Minute

(Repeat x 8)

If your rowing machine has a display that provides calorie information, this can be a highly effective rowing machine workout.

How to tell how many calories I burned rowing?

Although some rowing machines estimate calories, the best way is a heart rate monitor, everything else is more of a rough calculation. You can find a relatively inexpensive monitor on amazon. A Fitbit can measure heart rate relatively well. The most accurate is still the chest strap. I like Polar Fitness. Here is the one I use with an easy setup .

If you want a rough idea, here is a simple rowing calculator you can use.

Use Good Rowing Technique

You’ll want to make sure you are utilizing proper rowing technique. If you’re looking for some guidance, we wrote a comprehensive piece on using proper form to reduce injury.


Steady-state rowing and HIIT rowing are effective for burning fat and improving overall fitness. However, HIIT rowing is more effective for burning fat, as it burns 25-30% more calories than steady-state rowing. Incorporating HIIT rowing into your workout routine can help you achieve your weight loss quicker.


Steady-state rowing and HIIT rowing are effective for burning fat and improving overall fitness. However, HIIT rowing is more effective for burning fat, as it burns 25-30% more calories than steady-state rowing. Incorporating HIIT rowing into your workout routine can help you achieve your weight loss quicker.